Welcome to my Portfolio!

About me
Hello! My name is Jules, I'm a 21 year old French man that currently studies computer science!
On this website, you can find all the relevant information you may need about what I do in IT. However, here is a little resume of mine:
I am currently persuing a Master's degree in Software Engineering at the University of Calais, France.
I graduated from my Bachelor's degree at the University Institute of Technology of Lens, France in 2024.
I graduated from high school with Mathematics and English Specialties with distinctions in 2021.
I also obtained my end of study certificate in music theory with honors in 2019.
During my studies, I have explored all fields in Computer Science, but programming applications has been my favorite.
Want to see my projects? Please head to the projects page!
Work Experiences
Apprenticeship as a Java Developer
Java, SpringBoot, Maven, Podman, AWS...
Internship as a Python Developer
Python, Django, Bootstrap, Latex...
Certifications/Test Scores
TOEFL iBT 107/120 (C1)TOEFL is a full english test made by ETS.
TOEIC 970/990 (C1)TOEIC is an english test made by ETS.
SWERC 2022SWERC is a renowned european student's contest in programming and algorithmics hosted by ICPC.
Pix : P-CT2W4QJFPix is a public French service that certifies French Students' numerical skills.
Online Courses
C# MasterclassUdemy course about C#, WPF, Unity, Linq, and .NET as a whole.
Spring FrameworkUdemy course about the core of Spring.
SpringBoot FundamentalsUdemy course about SpringBoot: How it works, it's core principles and good practice.
SpringBoot RestAPIUdemy course about making proper RestAPIs using SpringBoot.
Maven Crash CourseUdemy course about how Maven works, it's core principles and good practice.
The Complete Haskell CourseUdemy course about Haskell, functionnal programming, and a little bit of mathematics and data structures!